上海静安区 | 统招高中或高中以上 | 普通话 | 无经验
724天前刷新工作地点: | 上海静安区 | 性别要求 | 不限 |
学历要求: | 高中或高中以上 | 语言要求: | 普通话 |
职能要求: | 店铺销售 | 年龄要求: | 26-38岁 |
班次安排: | 面议 | ||
行业要求: | 全部 |
Interacting with customers and building strong customer relationships;
Provide excellent customer service and develop product knowledge to ensure customer satisfaction;
Achieve individual sales targets and support others in order to the achievement of store objectives;
Ongoing control of the appearance of the store and products presented (windows & counters);
Comply with Company policies and guidelines ;
Participation in the daily running of the store;
Work as a team with others.
1-2 years’ experience in luxury brands or Men’s clothing;
Good Communication and selling skills;
Energetic, self-driven,and customer-oriented;
Basic English communication & Computor skills.
please enclose your recent photo in cv. 简历请附近照
All personal data received will be kept in strict confidential and only for employment-related purposes.
Canali has been a paradigm of tailor-made Italian luxury and men’s elegance for 80 years. Since 1934, it has been promoting the values of Made in Italy excellence through its artisanal know-how, creating sartorial masterpieces of exceptional wearability and comfort in a perfect balance of elements that blends culture and history with style and taste. The Canali Tailoring Principle uses innovation to achieve aesthetic perfection, continuously renewing its styles with a meticulous attention to detail and the use of premium fabrics. For a truly personalized experience, Canali offers the SU MISURA service, which combines the expertise of our Made-to-Measure specialists and the artistry of our master tailors to create distinctive suits, jackets, trousers and shirts from the finest materials, all handcrafted in Italy. A family-run company now in its third generation, Canali is a modern-day design and manufacturing group with its own production centers all located in Italy and more than 1,700 employees worldwide. In addition to its 250 boutiques, a number that continues to grow, the brand can also be found in over 1,000 retail stores in more than 100 countries across the globe.
CANALI,高级订制男装的专家,创立八十年来始终是意大利优雅风尚的典范。自1934年以来,CANALI始终致力于弘扬手工艺的非凡价值,秉承「意大利制造」的意义所在。将时尚与品味融入文化与历史,CANALI屡屡创造出制衣领域的大师级杰作,将各种细节元素和谐交融,并借助制衣裁缝大师的非凡双手,创造出舒适合身且优雅迷人的男装。创新演绎的完美外形,与时俱进的时尚风格,对细节的无穷以及优质的面料,共同构成了CANALI秉承的制衣理念。为令顾客能全面感受制衣工艺的非凡质量,CANALI同样提供「SU MISURA」量身订制服务,其经典的目录册,每一 季都精心甄选面料,加上我们技艺精湛的制衣裁缝大师,为顾客打造完全依照其身形特点、个性风格以及时尚品味 的量身订制男装。至今已传承三代的CANALI,如今已然是一家拥有出色设计与制造能力的时尚集团,在意大利本土拥有七大生产中心,拥有着1700名员工,并且在全球100多个国家和地区设有250家品牌专卖店和1000多家零售店。
如在投递及面试过程中遇到招聘方的任何收费行为( 如培训费、 体检费、 资料费、 置装费、 押金等),则存在诈骗风险,请您务必提高警惕。